http://en.jybest.cn 新华网 2008-10-07 大 中 小
China's cabinet lays groundwork for "clean-up," recovery of dairy industry
Calling China's dairy production and distribution "chaotic" and admitting government supervision "gravely absent", the State Council is planning an overhaul for the recovery of the nation's dairy industry.
The State Council, China's Cabinet, held an executive meeting Monday on the nation's milk powder industry and approved draft regulations on quality control for dairy products.
State Councilors on Monday heard that the authorities had conducted across-the-board checks on liquid milk and dairy products and investigated food safety. All efforts had begun to pay off.
They noted that the Sanlu baby formula scandal had been a major public health incident and tarnished the reputation of China's dairy sector and the food industry at large.
The direct cause of the incident was illegal production, greed and ignoring of people's lives, the State Council said in a statement. "It is also exposed that China's dairy production and distribution order has been chaotic and supervision has been be gravely absent."
Premier Wen Jiabao presided over the meeting. This was the second conference on the issue since the tainted baby formula scandal that broke in earlier September. The previous meeting was held on Sept. 17.
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