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输港鸡蛋检出三聚氰胺超标 大连韩伟集团致歉  新华网    2008-10-30    



China egg producer apologizes for melamine contamination

  The Dalian-based producer of melamine-tainted eggs found in Hong Kong apologized on Wednesday to consumers and dealers, but noted they themselves had not bought the chemical or added it to chicken's feedstuff.

  Han Wei, board director of Dalian Hanwei Enterprise Group in northeastern Liaoning Province, said "We feel rather shocked and sorry and would like to shoulder all responsibilities and consequences resulting from the incident."

  Hong Kong's Center for Food Safety (CFS) said on Saturday the sample of the Select Fresh Brown Eggs (Extra Large), produced by Dalian Hanwei Chicken Farming Limited and sold in 6-piece packs, was found to contain 4.7 ppm (part per million) of melamine, above the government legal limit of 2.5 ppm for melamine in food.

  "Our company has never bought melamine or added it to feedstuff and products," said Han said at a press conference in Dalian.

  But Han said melamine was found in some stored feedstuff supplied by a feed plant in late September. The company had recalled problematic egg products.

  He said the company is preparing to sue the feed supplier.

  Melamine is a chemical used to make plastics. It was found in dairy products including baby formula made in China, where about 54,000 babies became ill and at least three died after drinking the tainted milk products.

  More than 50 supermarkets across China have pulled the "gegeda" eggs from shelves, according to Han.






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