2024-11-17 16:27





  Chairman and members of Governing Board, Ms. Meng, graduates, colleagues, families and friends, good morning!

  Today we gather to honor the remarkable achievements of our 1500 master’s and doctoral graduates. Your hard work, resilience, and dedication have brought us to this moment of celebration, and we are immensely proud of what you’ve accomplished. To arrive at where you are today, I know each of you has invested countless days and nights in learning and exploring, faced challenges, pushed personal limits, and emerged with new understanding. Well done and congratulations!



  Graduates, for many of you this is probably the last graduation ceremony you attend in your lifetime. But learning and personal growth do not end with graduation. Beyond this campus into the vast world out there, I hope you will keep alive the curiosity for the unkown and the readiness to be taught. Today you may graduate as a first-rate scholar, or an emerging entrepreneur, or a talented young professional, however, regardless of your path, remain teachable and open to learning.

  This leads to the first point of my speech today: balance brilliance with humility. As a university president, I’ve often been asked: what qualities distinguish young people who are more likely to succeed? Among the many important qualities such as being smart, hard-working, creative, I emphasize humility. Graduates, as you enter your new path, I trust that your commitment to excellence will continue to drive you towards high standards and in the long run distinguish you in whatever you do. This is absolutely great. But I want you to approach the future with the mindset that there is always someone more knowledgeable, and probably more capable in your presence. It is natural for young people to be high-spirited, and sometimes not unduly proud of your talent and ambition. Indeed, it is human nature to be bound by our own experiences, often seeing only what our cognitive capacities allow us to see. You might be the brightest star in your circle, but you must remember that how you perceive yourself is determined by your cognitive capacities as well as limitations. What you perceive to be an extraordinary discovery or an exceptional deed may be a commonplace aspect of the world’s workings in the eyes of those on a higher cognitive level. Recognizing this opens up space for humility and continuous learning. We are living in a world that celebrates brilliance and personal achievement. However, brilliance only finds lasting strength when it is anchored in humility.








  Graduates, I hope you’ve had a meaningful time here at CUHK-Shenzhen. I hope you’ve expanded the scope of your understanding, gained inspiring experiences, discovered fresh insights about the world and yourself, met interesting people and made good friends. As you prepare to leave this campus to embark on your new journey today, take with you all the fond memories and bright expectations. Also carry with you the courage to explore, the spirit to innovate, and the drive to make a difference.


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