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2019-09-11 10:00:04  来源:中国教育在线


一、1.Vocabulary and Structrue

0.He was specifically asked to write a play that would be______to the local   community.





1.It is strongly held that new______must be introduced to protect the right   of the immigrants.





2.Country life is better than city life______it offers fresh air and   noiseless environment.

A.in that

B.as that

C.as for

D.in which

3.Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the Prime   Minister______the crisis.





4.It took a few seconds for her eyes to______to the darkness.





5.To write up his novel,John is looking for an environment free______outside   distraction.





6.Johnson was______unknown before running for the presidency.





7.The volunteers would rather go by train than______.

A.to drive



D.to be driven

8.Never before______so rapidly developing as it is today.

A.has our country been

B.has been our country

C.our country has been

D.our country been has

9.Police are______the disappearance of two children.

A.looking up

B.looking through

C.looking into

D.looking on

二、2.Cloze Test

1.When I was a child,I lived with my mother,my father having been away to   work in the town. I was then not (11)______ nine years old,lonely and expectant,   (12)______ for things which I knew little about.

I walked out alone one morning along the mountain tops (13)______ my home   stood. The sun had not yet risen,and the air (14)______ rain of the night and   the mountain grass was heavy (15)______ tiny drops of water. As I looked back,I   could see the marks my feet (16)______ on the long grassy slope behind me. I   walked till I came to a place (17)______ a little stream ran into the deep   valley below. Here it passed between soft, (18)______ banks;at one place a large   slice of earth had fallen away from the bank on the other side,and it had made a   little island a few feet wide with water (19)______ all round it. It was covered   with a weed with yellow flowers and long waving grasses. I sat down on the bank   (20)______ a short pine tree. All the plants on the island were dark with the   heavy raindrops of the night,and the sun had not yet risen.












A.in which

B.at which

C.from which

D.on which












A.have made

B.has made

C.had made

D.having made

















A.at the top of

B.on the part of

C.at the foot of

D.on the ground of

三、3.Reading Comperhension

1.Many people think New York is a noisy city. In fact,scientists who study   noise say that the average noise level in New York is 72.5 decibels. This is a   little louder than normal conversation,which is 65 decibels. The noise level is   the result of so many people and cars in the same area.

Now even the insides of taxis are noisy. When you get into a taxi,you hear   the voice of a well known singer,sports reporter,or Broadway actress giving   instructions. That't fight. The voice of a famous person tells you what to do.   One popular singer gives this message:“Cats have nine lives,but you have only   one,so fasten your seat belt!”Other voices say things such as“Don't forget to   collect all your belongings. ”(People often leave hats,umbrellas,and bags in   taxis. )

There is a good reason for the messages. There are more than 12,000 cabs in   New York,and every year taxis get into more than 15,000 accidents. In an   accident,people who don't wear seat belts hit the partition,the glass wall   separating the driver and passengers in the taxi. They can hurt their foreheads   or break their noses or chins. Every year,about 11,000 people are injured in   this way.

Many people are annoyed by the voices. Cabdrivers in particular dislike the   messages. “I play the messages 12 hours a day. I hear the same voices 60 times a   day. It makes me crazy,”says Amir,a 45-year-old cabdriver. “But if I don't play   the messages,I get fined $100. ”A lot of passengers complain. too. “It's too   much noise,”says a passenger. “I asked the driver to turn off the message,but he   said he can't. ”

Other people think the voices are a great idea. One taxi driver says,“People   like to hear the famous voices,and they put on their seat belts more often. ”And   passengers from out of town really like the idea. “Most of the time. taxi   drivers are in a bad mood,”says Melanie Benton,who visits New York often on   business. “It's nice to hear a cheerful voice when you get into a cab. ”

The sentence“Cats have nine lives,but you have only one”implies   that______.

A.human beings have only one life

B.cats live longer than human beings

C.cats will have new lives after they die

D.human beings should value their lives

2.People who are most likely to be injured in a taxi accident are______.

A.those who wear seat belts

B.those who like messages

C.those who do not wear seat belts

D.those who dislike messages

3.It can be inferred from the passage that a taxi driver hears the same   voices______every day.

A.about 5 times an hour

B.about 6 times an hour

C.about 50 times an hour

D.about 60 times an hour

4.The cabdrivers play the messages again and again because______.

A.they are willing to do so

B.they do not want to pay a fine

C.the passengers ask them to do so

D.the voice of the messages is cheerful

5.The author of this passage seems to believe that______.

A.New York is the noisiest city in the U. S.

B.messages played by taxi drivers are useless.

C.messages in taxis should be voiced by famous people

D.voices from taxis partly caused the high noise level of New York

7.Some people might think that Father's Day was established as a holiday to   help greeting card companies sell more cards. However,when Father's Day was   first suggested in the early 1900s,Father's Day cards hadn't been invented   yet.

The idea of celebrating Father's Day was actually inspired by Mother's Day.   In 1909,Mother's Day was just becoming very popular in the United States. One   day,Sonora Dodd,of Spokane,Washington. was listening to a church talk about   setting aside a day to honor one's mother. It gave her the idea to propose a day   to honor fathers,and in particular,her own father-William Jackson Smart.

Mr. Smart had raised Sonora and her five brothers and sisters all by himself   after Sonora's mother died in childbirth. As an adult,Sonora realized the   selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent.   Her father made all the parental sacrifices. In the daughter's eves. her father   was a courageous,selfless,and loving man.

Mrs. Dodd went to her minister and others about having a church service   devoted to fathers on June 5. her father's birthday. That date was too soon for   her minister to prepare a service,so he spoke two weeks later on June 19. It   took about a year of working with politicians,religious leaders,businessmen and   the local Young Men's Christian Association to bring life to her idea of an   annual Father's Day. Eventually all her hard work paid off. On June 19,1910,the   first Father's Day was celebrated in Spokane,Washington.

In 1972 President Richard Nixon established a permanent national celebration   of Father's Day to be held on the third Sunday in June. Since then,fathers have   been honored and recognized by their families throughout the U. S. on that   date.

Father's Dav has become a day to not only honor your father,but all men who   act as a father figure. Stepfathers,uncles,grandfathers,and adult male friends   are all honored on Father's Day. It's also another day for greeting card   companies and shop owners to celebrate because sales of the most popular gifts   for Dad(shirts,ties,and electric shavers)increase considerably.

The passage mainly tells about______.

A.MrDodd's love for her father

B.the origin and establishment of Father's Day

C.the importance of honoring fathers in the U. S.

D.Mrs. Dodd's contribution to the government decision

8.Mrs. Dodd loved her father because he______.

A.had a large family

B.was a single parent

C.was a respected minister

D.was courageous,selfless and loving

9.In the United States,the first Father's Day was celebrated nationwide   in______.





10.The author of the passage seems to believe that______.

A.stepfathers should not be honored on Father's Day

B.Father's Day has nothing to do with Mother's Day

C.Father's Day started with Mrs. Dodd's love for her father

D.card companies should not make money on Father's Day cards

11.Greeting card companies welcome Father's Day because______.

A.their sale increases

B.it is a national holiday

C.adult male friends are also honored

D.they can sell ties,shirts and electric shavers

13.This green and blue planet spinning in space is under severe stress. If we   continue to exploit the planet at the present rate,human and animal life will be   threatened. Human pride will be followed by nature's punishment. To save our   earth and ourselves,we need first develop an unbiased understanding of   ourselves,nature and life.

Everyone understands the meaning of the sentence“Man should respect animal   life and nature”. But the exact meaning of man,nature and animal life is not   always clear. Many refer to man and animals as if they were essentially   different. I consider man to be an animal and only differing in degree and not   in kind from other animals. Although I discuss in conventional terms human   rights and animal rights as if they were separate,strictly speaking,human rights   should be considered a branch of animal rights.

The word“nature”is one of the most complex words in the language,but it has   developed three main areas of meaning. These are,first,the essential quality and   character of something(as in human nature,or the nature of wood);second,the   inherent force which influences the world(as in Mother Nature);third,the entire   world itself. The last can be taken to include or to exclude human beings. as   the phrase man and the natural world implies.

I consider humans to be an integral part of nature,although they are also the   beings most capable of interfering with its processes. Unfortunately a central   drive of Western“man”has been to conquer“nature”. as if it were an object   separate from him. Hence it has become connnon to distinguish between what is   natural(existing without man's interference)and artificial(man-made). In this   way,natural growth is opposed to education,civilization to the natural state.   For many urban people living permanently among concrete and glass,nature itself   has come to mean little more than the countryside. And this notion of opposition   is where the seed of potential destruction lies.

The word“unbiased”in Line 3 of Para. 1 means______.





14.As for the relationship between man and animals,the author holds   that______

A.man is a kind of animals

B.man is superior to animals

C.man is the same as animals

D.man and animals are essentially different from each other

15.The word“they”in Line 5 of Para. 2 refers to______.

A.human rights

B.animal rights

C.human beings and animals

D.human rights and animal rights

16.In the author's opinion. the word“nature”indicates______.

A.a particular kind of thing

B.the inherent force which influences the world

C.the entire world itself including human beings

D.the essential quality and character of something

17.The very last sentence of the passage implies that______.

A.urbanization violates the peace of the countryside

B.the people in the cities cannot enjoy the nature's beauty

C.man cannot destroy nature,as they are different from each other

D.if man goes against nature,the world will probably be destroyed

四、4.Word Spelling

0. 使活动,使起作用 vt. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _

1. 令人厌烦的 a. b_ _ _ _ _

2. 总结,概述 v. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. 争论,辩论 n. d_ _ _ _ _

4. 相反的 a. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. 网络;网状物 n. n_ _ _ _ _ _

6. 明显的 a. e_ _ _ _ _ _

7. 凋谢,枯萎,退色 vi. f_ _ _

8. 种族的 a. r_ _ _ _ _

9. 和谐;协调 n. h_ _ _ _ _ _

10. 满意,满足 n. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

11. 身份;同一 n. i_ _ _ _ _ _ _

12. 解释,下定义 vt. d_ _ _ _ _

13. 面试,口试,采访 vt. i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

14. 社会学 n. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

15. 谦虚的;适中的 a. m_ _ _ _ _

16. 旅行,行程 n. j_ _ _ _ _ _

17. 拥有者 n. o_ _ _ _

18. 描绘,描写,描述 vt. P_ _ _ _ _ _

19. 拥有,具有 vt. P_ _ _ _ _ _

五、5.Word From

0. Their new advertising campaign has been very______(success).

1. For the______(secure)of passengers,all hand baggage is carefully   checked.

2. The______(resolve)calling for a ban on nuclear tests was passed by a   two-thirds majority in the Congress.

3. Untrained and nervous,she is nevertheless______(pride)and determined.

4. It is best to write about things you have experienced______(person).

5. The government is planning to______(simple)the tax laws.

6. We regard cheating in exams as totally______(acceptable).

7. Studies show that if workers have short but frequent breaks they will   become more______(product).

8. The minister was under great______(press)to resign.

9. This is an______(exception)case;I've never seen anything like it   before.

六、6.Translation from Chinese into English

0. 由于发生了强烈地震,这个地区的交通中断了。

1. 这就是我们去年开会的地方。

2. 我如果不是在忙着找工作,也许就来看望你了。

3. 为了通过英语考试,他不得不熬夜复习。

4. 只有这样你才能找到一份高薪水的工作。

七、7.Translation from English into Chinese

0. Many people think an only child is lucky because of the material goods and   attention he or she receives. But only children have their problems,too. For one   thing,they have no privacy. Parents always feel entitled to know everything   that's going on in an only child's life. Also,only children never have the   opportunity to put the blame on a brother or sister for something they've done   wrong. Third,only children miss the companionship of brothers and sisters. They   can be lonely,and they may have trouble making friends later in life because   they have never learned to get along with a brother or sister.

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